Capitalisation 2025-2030
The safeguarding of coral reefs is essential to conserve the ocean and its functions. Yet, coral reefs are in peril. The world has lost over 50% of its reefs since 1970 and mass bleaching continues to increase in frequency with the fourth mass global bleaching announced in 2024. The 2025-2030 period holds a critical moment to scale best efforts to protect ‘coral refugia’, including by addressing local drivers of ecosystem degradation, affecting the potential for reefs to recover and survive bleaching events.
As the leading global coral finance instrument, the Global Fund for Coral Reefs aims to increase the protection and resilience of at least 3 million hectares of coral reefs by 2030 – representing 25% of the Coral Reef Breakthrough target and approximately 12% of reefs remaining on Earth. To reach its 2030 targets, the GFCR Coalition requires additional grant and investment capital to support portfolio growth and ensure maximum impact potential.
During the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP16) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in October of 2024, the GFCR launched a Call for Capitalisation with an ambition to secure capitalisation commitments at the third United Nations Ocean Conference set for June of 2025, in Nice France.

2030 Impact Targets
Reef-Positive Business & Financial Mechanisms
Directly Supported Reef-Positive Jobs
Community Members with Increased Resilience
Area of Coral Reefs Under Improved Management
7.5M HA
MPA area with Sustainable Financing Support
Private & Public Finance Leverage
Capitalisation Needs to Reach 2030 Targets

Countdown to the 2025 United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC)
The GFCR UN Fund has issued a call for capitalisation, aiming to raise additional funding to mobilize significant investment capital by the upcoming UN Ocean Conference in June 2025.
Key Resources
#ForCoral Champions
Impact stories, articles and publications
Coral Reef Action Coalition
The GFCR Coalition is a public-private partnership driven by more than 60 nations, UN agencies, financial institutions, philanthropies, impact investors, and conservation organisations.

Contact Info
For more information on the GFCR UN Fund, please contact
GFCR Equity Fund
For more information on the GFCR Equity Fund, please contact
Support GFCR through the UN Foundation
Contribute as an individual to protection and restoration of Earth’s most climate-resilient coral reefs.