#ForCoral Champions are dedicated advocates and experts who amplify the mission of the Global Fund for Coral Reefs, driving awareness, collaboration, and action to support the resilience of the world’s vital coral ecosystems.
“Coral reefs are integral to our way of life and cultural identity. Without urgent action, they are rapidly heading towards extinction. The Global Fund for Coral Reefs (GFCR) has been an invaluable partner in our efforts to protect this crucial resource and act as a vital shield against storm surges, coastal erosion, and other climate-related threats. To maximize the impact of this funding, streamlined access is essential. I urge member states, philanthropic organizations, and impact investors to increase their support to help GFCR achieve its urgent 2030 goals for coral protection and community resilience.”
H.E. Surangel S. Whipps
President of the Republic of Palau

"Small Island Developing States know only too well the devastating impacts of living with climate change. These communities continue to fight - to protect their people, their heritage, and the vital ecosystems including the world's coral reefs that we all depend on. As humanity seeks to navigate to safer shores, we need the public and private sector to step up and join this fight to help save an entire ecosystem in our lifetime. The Global Fund for Coral Reefs is an example of how we can work together to seek safer ground for people everywhere.”
Inger Andersen
UN Under-Secretary-General - Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme

"The Global Fund for Coral Reefs enables us to engage changes by providing further resources to those who have been fighting for coral conservation for decades. This Fund is not only an opportunity to define our strategies more effectively, in the face of this challenging and complex issue, it also offers us a vital opportunity to look far ahead together."
H.S.H Albert II
Prince of Monaco

“Coral reefs are vital to the health and wellbeing of coastal communities, including across our Pacific neighbourhood. New Zealand is proud to join the Global Fund for Coral Reefs, dedicated to coral reef preservation. The Government of New Zealand is committing USD $10 million to the Global Fund for Coral Reefs to leverage additional finance, and support urgent action. We encourage others to join us and help to safeguard these vital ecosystems for future generations.”
Rt Hon Winston Peters
Minister of Foreign Affairs of New Zealand

"Protecting the ocean from climate change and other threats requires greater safeguards for our coral reefs. The Global Fund for Coral Reefs is already making a difference, providing a critical vehicle for philanthropy to engage the public and private sectors around proven ocean solutions. Bloomberg Philanthropies is glad to be part of this coalition bringing partners and funders together to protect reefs, combat climate change, and deliver better, longer lives for people around the world."
Antha Williams
Global Climate and Environment Programs Lead Bloomberg Philanthropies

"Coral reefs are the cornerstones of the Seychelles marine ecosystem. They support our unique biodiversity, generate jobs and incomes for local communities and businesses, and protect the people and the islands from storm surges and rising sea levels. With the Ocean's Resolve program, we hope to catalyse action to protect these critical ecosystems and create a sustainable and resilient economic model that benefits the people of Seychelles today, tomorrow, and for generations to come."
Marie-May Jeremie

“The vitality of the ocean and the lives of more than one billion people are inextricably linked to coral reefs. In 2024, climate change and other human impacts triggered the fourth mass coral reef bleaching event, the most extensive and devastating on record. With the window to protect these ecosystems closing rapidly, world leaders must act now. I urge states, philanthropies, and investors to commit the Global Fund for Coral Reefs at the upcoming UN Ocean Conference. We must secure a sustainable future for coral reefs and the countless lives that rely on them—before it's too late.”
Ambassador Peter Thomson
UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy for the Ocean

“The Global Fund for Coral Reefs goes beyond conservation—it's a lifeline for sustainable development and nature-positive solutions. Coral reefs are vital to the lives and livelihoods of over a billion people. Protecting these fragile ecosystems is not just about preservation; it is an investment in economic and social resilience. The GFCR offers a unique platform to mobilize finance and drive inclusive, integrated efforts to safeguard coral reefs while advancing the goals of the Global Biodiversity Framework.”
Achim Steiner
Administrator, United Nations Development Programme

"By aligning its work with the goals of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, the Global Fund for Coral Reefs can be a powerful tool for implementation, for tracking of progress towards global goals and targets for biodiversity, and for elevating awareness on our collective goals for a future with healthy and robust coral ecosystems."
Elizabeth Maruma Mrema
UN Assistant Secretary-General UN Environment Programme Deputy Executive Director Former Executive Secretary of the Secretariat for the Convention on Biological Diversity

“The new capitalisation commitments to the Global Fund for Coral Reefs from UBS Optimus Foundation and the Governments of New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Germany and France will boost efforts to mobilize financing for critical 2030 targets. The funding will help create sustainable financial mechanisms to shift coastal economies away from destructive business models, protect vital ecosystems from local stressors, and give a fighting chance to these underwater rainforests that support significant global marine lifeHowever, we are still far from the full capitalisation target and urge member states, philanthropies and impact investors to step up commitments to prevent the functional collapse of an entire ecosystem before it is too late.”
Pradeep Kurukulasuriya
Executive Secretary United Nations Capital Development Fund